In cities, small spaces between buildings and plots close to busy roads, railway lines and airports are increasingly being used. The desire for a rapid return on investments is becoming an important factor. What is more, there often isn’t much room on existing sites for an extensive construction site infrastructure (construction containers, material storage).

These are some of the factors driving a shift towards modular construction. This trend is emerging in residential construction (single- and multi-family dwellings and residential homes), public-sector buildings such as schools, universities, kindergartens, and hospitals and commercial premises.

Modular construction shifts a large part of the work from the construction site to the production hall. The efficiency of the overall manufacturing/construction process has a major impact on the type of modular construction used here.


The different segments in prefabrication and on-site processes must all be coordinated. This can often be very time consuming as there may be many different partners involved. The motto “less is more” is crucial here.

At CPG, we support from the planning stage up to the jobsite with our technical know-how, and system solutions for offsite and onsite construction like external and internal walls, concrete elements, Roofing elements, Volumetric pods and passive fire protection - one partner for your project!

Explore how CPG can support Modular Construction projects further by taking a deeper look into on-site and off-site construction below: