Professional equality index between women and men

The strength of a company lies above all in the men and women who compose it. TREMCO CPG strongly believes France in it and that's why gender equality is a value dear to our company.

Declared a major national cause of the five-year term by the President of the Republic, equality between women and men has been the subject of a comprehensive action plan by the Government. In September 2018, legislative measures were adopted to this effect in the law for the freedom to choose one's professional future.

From now on, equal pay for equivalent positions between women and men in companies is the subject of an obligation of results, and no longer simply an obligation of means. With the gender equality index, companies will be able to measure where they stand, in terms of professional equality. In the form of a score out of 100, the index consists for companies with 50 to 250 employees of 4 main criteria that assess inequalities between women and men in companies. Each year, companies will have to calculate the gender equality index and make public the score obtained. If it is less than 75 out of 100, they will have three years to comply. Otherwise, they will be financially sanctioned up to 1% of their payroll.

TREMCO CPG France obtained, over the reference period of calendar year 2021, the score of 92/100 which breaks down as follows:

Indicator 1 – Closing the gender pay gap for comparable jobs and ages: the indicator assesses the gender pay gap based on the average annual earnings of women compared to men by age group and equivalent job category.

The gap is 2.2% in favour of Men – The score obtained: 37 points out of 40

Indicator 2 – The same chance of having an increase for both women and men. The maximum of 20 points is awarded if the company has increased as many men as women.

The gap is 1.2% in favour of Women – The score obtained: 35 points out of 35

Indicator 3 – The indicator measures the company's compliance with the obligation to grant employees an increase upon returning from maternity leave, once increases have been allocated to employees. The score is 15 if all obligations are met and 0 in other cases.

The score obtained: 15 points out of 15

Indicator 4 – The higher you go up the job ladder, the fewer women there are. The aim is to ensure a more balanced representation of both sexes at all levels, including in management positions.

3 women among the 10 highest salaries – score: 5 points out of 10