Our Processes

We are responsible for maintaining safe and sustainable operations for our associates, communities and the planet. This commitment means operating more efficiently, producing less waste, saving more water, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and using less energy.

  • Controlling GHG emissions: A third party logistics partner is used to help us develop a route optimisation program, decreasing unnecessary miles and increasing efficiency.
  • Reducing waste diverted to landfill: All CPG Europe sites have separate bins for recycling.
  • We actively look to reduce packaging with our products, such as offering illbruck sealants in foil ‘sausages’ as oppose to plastic cartridges, giving the customer more product, with less single-use plastic.
  • We also have initiatives in place where customers can return packaging, such as steel drums and aerosol cans.
  • Conserving water: In addition to having a water treatment plant, water containing hazardous compounds is contained and disposed of by a recycling company. A monthly report is also carried out in Germany to monitor and prevent groundwater contamination. All locations also have a response procedure to follow in case of an emergency that might lead to local pollution
  • Where possible, LED lights, motion sensors, automatic doors, energy efficient motors in machinery, smart meters and timers are used to ensure that energy is only being used when necessary.
  • We have a ‘preferred supplier program’ which rewards sustainable suppliers, encouraging not only ourselves, but our suppliers to be more sustainable.
  • We use renewable or recovered materials in the tyres for onsite vehicles.