As one of four entities of RPM International Inc. CPG Europe (Construction Products Group Europe) is contributing to RPM’s sustainability approach – Building a Better World. This program has a three-pillar approach consisting of Our Products, Our Processes and Our People.
*2021 as baseline
Scope 1 emissions are a measurement of the emissions from fuel we consume onsite in our company facilities and Scope 2 are a measurement of the electricity, steam, heating or cooling we purchase from utility companies.
Scope 1, or direct, emissions come from fuel combustion, such as burning natural gas for our boilers and furnaces and from company-owned vehicles (trucks, vehicles, forklifts, etc). Scope 1 emissions are released into the atmosphere as a direct result of our activities.
Scope 2 are emissions we cause indirectly when we purchase electricity, such as when a plant uses electricity purchased from a nearby power plant to power its production line.